Description: The French-produced cartoon television series CODE LYOKO apes the look of Japanese anime with a slick, computer-animated tale of MATRIX-like virtual reality. Teenagers Jeremy, Yumi, Ulrich, and Odd are normal high school students when they discover the existence of a parallel universe called Lyoko hidden within their computers. Ruled by the benevolent humanoid Aelita, Lyoko is under attack by the evil computer program X.A.N.A., who plans to achieve both virtual- and real-world domination by unleashing a massive computer virus. It isn't long before the teenage foursome find themselves thrust into the struggle to save Lyoko through a series of high-tech, action-packed battles. The series continues with this second volume of episodes.
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All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Type: Movie
Rating: NR
Edition: Edited
Movie/TV Title: Code Lyoko-Vol. 2: Movies, Music and Mayhem
Director: Jérôme Mouscadet
Format: DVD
Release Year: 2005
Genre: TV Shows