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145 Antique Cookbooks on FLASH DRIVE - Over 35000 Recipes - Vintage Cook Books

Description: Antique Cookbooks on 8GB Flash Drive The Ultimate Vintage Cookbook Collection of 145 Books More than 35,000 delicious recipes on several thousands of pages of useful information can be found and explored. This collection serves as an excellent resource for everyone interested in historical recipes for cooking and baking. The documents are easily searchable and printable. All titles included on this USB FLASH DRIVE are listed below. Here are some sample illustrations taken from the collection: . 1,000 [dollars] worth of useful information and valuable recipes (1857) - Bowman, E. - 18 pages 365 orange recipes; an orange recipe for every day in the year (1909) - Lane, J. L. - 158 pages A book of practical recipes for the housewife (1902) - Chicago Evening American - 244 pages A dainty cook book (1902) - Oliphant, Nelson - 178 pages A dozen dainty recipes for preparing War department canned meats (1920) - Scott, Anna - 12 pages A thousand ways to please a husband with Bettina's best recipes (1917) - Weaver, Louise - 479 pages Best recipes for baking (1907) - Schroers, John - 126 pages Betty Crocker's Cookbook for boys & girls (1975) - Crocker, Betty - 160 pages Bread and pastry recipes of the world famous chefs, United States, Canada, Europe; the bread and pastry book from the International cooking library (1913) - Hoff, A. - 80 pages California Mexican-Spanish cook book; selected Mexican and Spanish recipes (1914) - Ginger, Bertha - 111 pages Cassell's dictionary of cookery - containing about nine thousand recipes (1892) - Cassell - 1178 pages Chafing-dish recipes (1912) - Lemcke, Gesine - 84 pages Child's recipes for cooking and preparing (1913) - 90 pages Chinese cookery in the home kitchen; being recipes for the preparation of the most popular Chinese dishes at home (1911) - Nolton, Jessie - 135 pages Choice recipes (1922) - Order of Eastern Star - 160 pages Christianity in the kitchen. A physiological cook-book (1858) - Mann, Mary - 189 pages Club House cook book (1916) - Snyder, Annie - 200 pages Consolidated library of modern cooking and household recipes (1904) - Herrick, Christine - 293 pages Cookery reformed; or, The Lady's assistant. Containing a select number of the best and most approved receipts in cookery ... together with a distinct account of the nature of ailments ... To which is added the Family physician (1755) - 390 pages Cooking for profit: a new American cookbook adapted for the use of all who serve meals for a price (1893) - Whitehead, Jessup - 354 pages Cooking school recipes (1890) - Barnes, Amy - 106 pages Dainty desserts: a large collection of recipes for delicious sweets and dainties (1922) - Wright, Mary - 196 pages Date cook book (1919) - Metzler, May - 73 pages Delicate feasting (1890) - Child, Theodore - 214 pages Delicious recipes (1920) - Neil, Marion - 31 pages Dr. Chase's recipes (1874) - Chase, A. - 648 pages Dr. Price's delicious desserts: containing practical recipes carefully selected and tested : excellent, simple, delicate (c1904) - Price Flavoring Extract Co - 48 pages Economy cook book (1918) - Gillmore, Mrs. Maria - 215 pages Every day meals: being economic and wholesome recipes for breakfast, luncheon, and supper (1877) - Hooper, Mary - 311 pages Everyday cook book (1891) - Cookery, American - 64 pages Everywoman's cook book, recipes and food combinations for the household (1922) - Wells, Helen - 47 pages Farm and home cook book and housekeeper's assistant (1907) - Goessling, Adeline - 320 pages Favorite recipes (1903) - 106 pages Favorite recipes (1923) - 177 pages Fifty valuable and delicious recipes made with corn meal (1917) - Eustis, Célestine - 18 pages Fireless cooker recipes (1909) - Winship, L. - 24 pages French cookery for American homes: 634 recipes of simple and easy dishes (1901) - A. Wessels - 280 pages Gillett's magic cook book (1892) - Gillett, Egbert - 283 pages Good housekeeping's book of menus, recipes, and household discoveries (1922) - 253 pages Good recipes (c1906) - 62 pages Handbook of practical cookery (1886) - Dods, Matilda - 299 pages Hawaiian cook book (1920) - Honolulu - 134 pages Housewives favorite recipes for cold dishes, dainties, chilled drinks, etc. (1916) - 126 pages How to cook fish. Recipes for preparing sea and fresh water fish for the table (1886) - Mulertt, Hugo - 64 pages How we cook in Los Angeles. A practical cook-book containing six hundred or more recipes ... including a French, German and Spanish department with menus, suggestions for artistic table decorations, and souvenirs (1894) - 382 pages Ice cream. Practical recipes for making ice cream (1886) - Miller, John - 12 pages J. R. Stafford's family receipt book, contains one hundred and fifty household receipts .. (1856) - Stafford, J. R. - 32 pages Jane Hamilton's recipes; delicacies from the Old dominion; (1909) - Poindexter, Charlotte - 223 pages Just for two; a collection of recipes designed for two persons (1903) - Langdon, Amelie - 224 pages Left overs; how to transform them into palatable and wholesome dishes, with many new and valuable recipes (1898) - Rorer, Sarah - 79 pages Light entertaining; a book of dainty recipes for special occasions (1910) - Judson, Helena - 68 pages Manual of wheatless recipes (1918) - Dane County - 45 pages Meals for the million: the people's cook-book (1882) - Corson, Juliet - 84 pages Meats, poultry and game; how to buy, cook and carve, with a potpourri of recipes (1919) - Panchard, Edouard - 134 pages Midnight feasts; two hundred & two salads and chafing-dish recipes (1914) - Southworth, May - 135 pages Miss Beecher's housekeeper and healthkeeper: containing five hundred recipes for economical and healthful cooking; also, many directions for securing health and happiness .. (1873) - Beecher, Catharine - 482 pages Miss Leslie's lady's new receipt-book: a useful guide for large or small families containing directions for cooking, preserving, pickling .. (1850) - Leslie, Eliza - 436 pages Miss Parloa's kitchen companion: a guide for all who would be good housekeepers (c1887) - Parloa, Maria - 966 pages Modern meatless cook book: five hundred recipes for preparing foods, with special reference to cooking without meat (1910) - 135 pages Most for your money cookbook (1938) - Brown, Cora - 236 pages Mother Hubbard's cupboard: recipes (1887) - 87 pages Mrs. M. T. Wellborn's recipes for preserving fruits (1874) - Wellborn, M. - 16 pages Mrs. Welch's cook book (1884) - Welch, Mary - 279 pages My mother's cook book (1880) - Richards, E. - 244 pages Never fail cook book (1914) - Williams, Annie - 66 pages New Orleans cook book (1898) - 112 pages New receipts for cooking (1854) - Leslie, Eliza - 520 pages Old-time recipes for home made wines, cordials and liqueurs from fruits, flowers, vegetables, and shrubs (1922) - Wright, Helen - 155 pages On Uncle Sam's water wagon; 500 recipes for delicious drinks, which can be made at home (1919) - Moore, Helen - 222 pages One hundred & twenty-five recipes; bread, cakes & pies (1915) - Immig, Nellie - 124 pages One hundred and one practical non-flesh recipes (1917) - Blatch, Margaret - 80 pages One thousand and one useful recipes and valuable hints about cooking and housekeeping (1890) - Ewell's - 192 pages One thousand favorite recipes (1908) - Aronson, Sigismund - 194 pages Our viands; whence they come and how they are cooked, with a bundle of old recipes from cookery books of the last century (1893) - Buckland, Anne - 308 pages Paper-bag cookery: with nearly two hundred recipes (1911) - Serkoff, Vera - 80 pages Paper-bag cookery; complete directions and recipes (1912) - 31 pages Pop corn recipes (1916) - Talbott, Mary - 20 pages Popular recipes (1910) - 48 pages Practical cooking and dinner giving: a treatise containing practical instructions in cooking; in the combination and serving of dishes; and in the fashionable modes of entertaining at breakfast, lunch, and dinner (1887) - Henderson, Mary - 384 pages Practical Italian recipes for American kitchens. (1917) - Cuniberti, Julia - 32 pages Recipes for sea food: how to prepare and serve fish, oysters, clams, scallops, lobsters, crabs, and shrimp... (1913) - 147 pages Recipes from the old country and the new (1910) - Martin, Maria - 340 pages Recipes; dainties, salads and clever hints (1919) - 48 pages Sharks as food. With thirty recipes (1918) - Radcliffe, Lewis - 8 pages Skates and rays. Interesting fishes of great food value, with 29 recipes for cooking them (1918) - Moore, H. - 321 pages Southern recipes (1910) - 301 pages Studies of American fungi: mushrooms, edible, poisonous, etc. Recipes for cooking mushrooms (1901) - Atkinson, George - 323 pages The "original book", "the way to a man's heart"; choice recipes (1916) - Mitchell, Clara - 242 pages The "Press" prize recipes for meats, vegetables, bread, and pastry (1889) - Ogilvie, John - 92 pages The A B C of Cooking: For Men with No Experience of Cooking on Small Boats ... (1917) - Coit, Adeline - 40 pages The American home cook book, a volume of tested recipes (1913) - Denison, Grace - 538 pages The art of cookery made easy and refined (1808) - Mollard, John - 227 pages The baby's food: recipes for the preparation of food for infants and children (1917) - Abt, Isaac - 143 pages The Baptist cook book (1907) - Albany, Ga. - 158 pages The blue and gold cook book; recipes of quality (1912) - Oakland Brewing & Malting Co., Mendelsohn, Felix - 224 pages The bride's cook book (1915) - Briggs, Edgar William - 176 pages The calorie cook book (1923) - Donahey, Mary Dickerson - 250 pages The Century cook book (1899) - Ronald, Mary - 588 pages The Chinese cook book (1917) - Chan, Shiu Wong - 201 pages The church cook book (1908) - Williams & Wilkins company - 180 pages The complete cook book (1900) - Rees, Jennie Day - 320 pages The complete practical pastry cook (1889) - Gill, J. Thompson - 160 pages The cook and housekeeper's complete and universal dictionary; including a system of modern cookery, in all its various branches, adapted to the use of private families: also a variety of original and valuable information, relative to baking, brewing, carving ... and every other subject connected with domestic economy (1823) - Eaton, Mary - 495 pages The cook book of left-overs - a collection of 400 reliable recipes for the practical housekeeper (1911) - Clarke, Helen - 253 books The cooking manual of practical directions for economical every-day cookery (1877) - Corson, Juliet - 144 pages The cook's economical book (1918) - Davis, Mary - 106 pages The cook's own book: being a complete culinary encyclopedia comprehending all valuable receipts for cooking meat, fish, and fowl: and composing every kind of soup, gravy, pastry, preserves, essences, &c. that have been published or invented during the last twenty years: particularly the very best of those in the Cook's oracle, Cook's dicitionary, and other systems of domestic economy: with numerous original receipts and a complete system of confectionery (1832) - Lee, N - 300 pages The corn cook book (1907) - Hiller, Elizabeth - 58 pages The economy cook book (1910) - 127 pages The golden rule cook book: six hundred recipes for meatless dishes (1912) - Sharpe, M. - 323 pages The Handy cook book (1917) - 143 pages The Home cook book (1881) - 384 pages The home guide: or, a book by 500 ladies, embracing about 1,000 recipes and hints, pertaining to cookery, the household, the sick room, the toilet, etc. (1877) - Chicago Daily Tribune Home Dept - 160 pages The housekeeper cook book (1894) - Wilcox, Estelle - 759 pages The housekeeper's friend: a practical cook-book (1876) - Buckingham, Jane - 118 pages The ideal cook book (1902) - Gregory, Annie - 578 pages The imperial and royal cook: consisting of the most sumptuous made dishes, ragouts, fricassees, soups, gravies, &c. foreign and English : including the latest improvements in fashionable life (1809) - Nutt, Frederick - 311 pages The Italian Cook Book: the Art of Eating Well : practical recipes of the Italian cuisine (1919) - Gentile, Maria - 160 pages The kitchen companion, containing valuable recipes for ice creams, puddings, pies, cakes, blanc mange, custards, &c., &c., being and excellant guide to the housewife (1869) - 32 pages The ladies' handbook and household assistant. A manual of religious and table etiquette; a selection of choice recipes for plain and fancy cooking; and a compend of rules, tables, and suggestions of infinite value in every household. Published in behalf of the Covenant band of the First Baptist church, Hoosick Falls, N.Y (1886) - 76 pages The master book of soups, featuring 1,001 titles and recipes (1905) - Smith, Henry - 233 pages The Metropolitan Life cook book (1918) - 64 pages The modern baker; a compilation of valluable recipes arranged in convenient form for every day use (1903) - Kremer, Charles - 156 pages The modern club cook of recipes (1921) - Essig, Mercy - 348 pages The modern cook book and household recipes (1912) - Wallace, Lily - 1127 pages The modern housewife: or, Ménagère: comprising nearly one thousand receipts, for the economic and judicious preparation of every meal of the day : with those of the nursery and sick room, and minute directions for family management in all its branches : illustrated with engravings (1851) - Soyer, Alexis - 364 pages The New American cook book: containing thousands of recipes, practical suggestions and methods for the household, contributed by celebrated chefs and more than two hundred experienced housekeepers, who are recognized authorities in the culinary art, and covering every branch of cookery, with special directions for serving at table, also preserving, pickling, candy-making, etc. : presenting the most healthful, palatable, economical and approved use of the foods of the twentieth century (1897) - 383 pages The new household discoveries; an encyclopedia of recipes and processes (1917) - Morse, Sidney - 843 pages The pet cook book (1878) - 32 pages The plain sailing cook book; a collection of simple recipes for beginners in cookery (1922) - Browne, Susanna - 156 pages The practical cook book (1910) - Hiller, Elizabeth - 153 pages The professed cook; or, The modern art of cookery, pastry, and confectionary, made plain and easy. Consisting of the most approved methods in the French as well as English cookery (1776) - Clermont, B. - 610 pages The relible cook book (1892) - Watson, Marcia - 101 pages The skilful cook: a practical manual of modern experience (1884) - Harrison, Mary - 318 pages The Southern cook book of fine old recipes (1935) - Lustig, Lillie - 48 pages The unrivalled cook-book and housekeeper's guide (1886) - 640 pages The White House cook book; a comprehensive cyclopedia of information for the home .. (1913) - Gillette, F. - 619 pages Things mother used to make, a collection of old time recipes, some nearly one hundred years old and never published before (1914) - Gurney, Lydia - 110 pages Two hundred and seventy-five war-time recipes (1918) - Webber, Carolyn - 73 pages Two hundred recipes for making desserts, including French pastries (1912) - Hulse, Olive - 154 pages Vegetarian cook-book (1910) - Fulton, Edwin - 419 pages Westminster Church cook book (1916) - 59 pages What I know; or, Hints on the daily duties of a housekeeper. Comprising nearly five hundred receipts, for cooking, preserving, pickling, washing, ironing, gardening, plain and fancy needle-work, putting up of winter stores, and numerous other receipts useful and needful in every well-regulated household (1856) - Nicholson, Elizabeth - 156 pages What to drink; the blue book of beverages; recipes and directions for making and serving non-alcoholic drinks for all occasions (1920) - Stockbridge, Bertha - 177 pages Woman's favorite cook book (1902) - Gregory, Annie - 610 pages . Product Information: This item is delivered on a fully interactive 8GB USB FLASH DRIVE readable on all computers. The files are in PDF format to view, copy or print them easily. All our USBs are professionally produced, designed and packaged. Guarantee: We offer a 100% 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you don't like the product, just return it for a full refund, no questions asked. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us! 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145 Antique Cookbooks on FLASH DRIVE - Over 35000 Recipes - Vintage Cook Books

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Book Title: 145 Antique Cookbooks on FLASH DRIVE - Over 35000

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Author: Historybooks24

Language: English

Subject: Cooking, Food & Wine

Subject Else: Genealogy and History

Country: USA

Subjects: Food & Drink

Cookery Topic: Baking

Special Attributes: USB 2.0 8GB Flash Drive


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